Optimalisasi Digital Marketing Melalui TikTok Shop pada UMKM Aksesoris Tembaga Wulan Collection Desa Tanggungkramat
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How to Cite

Prayitno, L., Purwanto, N., & Dinata, M. S. (2024). Optimalisasi Digital Marketing Melalui TikTok Shop pada UMKM Aksesoris Tembaga Wulan Collection Desa Tanggungkramat. SNEB : Seminar Nasional Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Dewantara, 6(1), 105-110. Retrieved from https://ejournal.stiedewantara.ac.id/index.php/SNEB/article/view/1305



The village of Tanggungkramat is one of the villages located in the Ploso Subdistrict, Jombang Regency. In this village, there are several micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM), one of which is a copper accessories business. TikTok Shop, as a digital platform utilized by business owners to market their products, seems to have not been optimally implemented by the owners of copper accessories businesses Wulan Collection in the village of Tanggungkramat. In running their business, owners only market through Word of Mouth (WoM) methods, promotions on WhatsApp, and also at exhibition events. With the implementation dedication activities in the village of Tanggungkramat, we hope to help provide information on digital marketing, especially on the TikTok Shop platform, to effectively and efficiently market products so that they can be known optimally among the community. Efforts that the team can undertake include: 1) Creating a business account on TikTok for business purposes, 2) providing information on interesting content ideas for potential customers, 3) providing business banner facilities. These activities have been successfully completed by the team, and we hope that with this activity, it can increase the sales of goods produced by these UMKM .

Keywords: Tanggungkramat, Digital Marketing, Copper Accessories

PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)


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