Mengoptimalkan Promosi Usaha Konveksi Tas Melalui Pembuatan Plakat, Instagram, dan Google Maps
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How to Cite

Sucipto, H., & Aulia, I. V. (2024). Mengoptimalkan Promosi Usaha Konveksi Tas Melalui Pembuatan Plakat, Instagram, dan Google Maps. SNEB : Seminar Nasional Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Dewantara, 6(1), 83-86. Retrieved from



The bag convection business is a competitive industri with intense competition in the market. In Karangmojo village, precisely in Klampisan hamlet, there are MSMEs that operate in the convection sector, namely producing bags from synthetic leather. This business really needs an effective promotional strategy to increase visibility in lokal and regional markets. The strategy used to optimize the promotion of the bag convection business is through the use of social media and information technology. This is supported by using a combined approach between making placards, marketing via the Instagram platform and increasing visibility via Google Maps. This method is used to increase public awareness about the existence of the bag convection business and to expand the reach of potential customers. The results of implementing this strategy show a significant increase in the number of visits to physical stores and online interactions. Thus, this article provides insight into how small businesses can utilize various promotional channels to achieve success in marketing and business development.

Keywords: bag convection, promotional strategy, social media

PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)


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