City Branding Sidoarjo Melalui Usaha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah (UMKM) Dalam Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisata Sidoarjo

How to Cite

Oetarjo, M., Wachid, A., & Rizal, A. (2019). City Branding Sidoarjo Melalui Usaha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah (UMKM) Dalam Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisata Sidoarjo. SEMINAR NASIONAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS, 1(1), 131-136.


Sidoarjo Regency is an authentic Regency with UMKM District that has been certified as a UMKM Regency. The problems that have existed so far the Sidoarjo government has not compared MSMEs as part of the success of the city and building image and attractiveness so that tourists travel to Sidoarjo as a craft center for MSME products. Research objectives to 1) Knowing the city branding carried out by the Sidoarjo government. 2) Assessing MSMEs that deserve to be the city branding of the city of Sidoarjo. The analysis method used uses a SWOT analysis to determine the strengths (strenghts), weaknesses (weaknesses), opportunities (opportunities), and threats (threats) of the external and internal environment through IFAS and EFAS factors and SWOT diagrams. The results obtained total and weight of external and internal factors based on the influence of the size of each factor on the strategy results of the SWOT diagram show in an aggressive strategic position which means that aggressive strategies need to promote and innovate MSME products, which have not been known to the public so Sidoarjo as a city of MSMEs does not attract many tourists visiting Sidoarjo


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