Transformasi UMKM Melalui Strategi Digitalisasi Marketing Guna Meningkatkan Ekonomi Kreativ Desa Sengon Kabupaten Jombang

How to Cite

Rachyu Purbowati, & Bagas Maulana Pasha Aditya Prada. (2023). Transformasi UMKM Melalui Strategi Digitalisasi Marketing Guna Meningkatkan Ekonomi Kreativ Desa Sengon Kabupaten Jombang. SEMINAR NASIONAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS, 5(1), 123-130.


The SRI IBU herbal medicine MSME located in RT32/RW02, Sengon Village, Sengon Krajan, Jombang has a fairly good background in business activities. This product is marketed in liquid form and lasts only one week, so the marketing process must be immediate and a matter that requires attention. In addition, the herbal medicine production business is still managed traditionally without good business management and business planning. Even though it is done traditionally, its production has expanded to sub-districts and cities. However, the distribution permit for the product and its quality have not been tested, so this herbal medicine can only be marketed through private orders. So far there has been no real effort to fulfill the wishes of the local people in the target locations. Even though it requires direct information about how to utilize this based herbal medicine, community service is carried out through Digital Marketing education (socialization) and SRI IBU herbal medicine development training. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge and efforts to improve products and their marketing. The processing of various medicinal plants into herbal medicine provides an opportunity for added value so that it is possible to have an economic impact if it is marketed seriously by the target community.


Keywords: Digital Marketing, MSMEs, Sengon.

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