Peningkatan Pangsa Pasar Melalui Promosi Online Terhadap Penjualan Sate Tugu Penceng Menganto

How to Cite

Yuniep Mujati Suaidah, & Roykhan Aden. (2023). Peningkatan Pangsa Pasar Melalui Promosi Online Terhadap Penjualan Sate Tugu Penceng Menganto. SEMINAR NASIONAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS, 5(1), 69-76.


So many culinary delights to choose from in Mojowarno.  If you walk around a little, you will find that there is satay which is quite popular in the Menganto area, Mojowarno.  This satay is famous in the area because of its enticing taste in one try.  The sale of satay is not far from the area where the restaurant is located, so only local residents often consume it.  Based on the analysis we did, we decided to sell online.  In this way, sales can reach areas previously not reached by the owner of this Sate Tugu Penceng restaurant.  With the guidance carried out by students regarding digital marketing and expanding trade through online, the owner of this UKM agreed with the plans planned by the students.  As a result, this sate penceng monument has several social media that consumers can visit.

 Keywords: Culinary, Online Promotion, Restaurants

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