Pengembangan BUMDES Jaya Lestari Dalam Program TPS 3R Sebagai Induk Bank Sampah Di Desa Jogoroto

How to Cite

Dwi Ermayanti Susilo, & Wirda Bayu Prambudi. (2023). Pengembangan BUMDES Jaya Lestari Dalam Program TPS 3R Sebagai Induk Bank Sampah Di Desa Jogoroto. SEMINAR NASIONAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS, 5(1), 61-68.


The bumdes of Jogoroto Village has a TPS 3R processing program, but there are still not many people there who are still not aware of the existence of this program and there are still many people who still litter and do not participate in the program from the village through the bumdes. This community service activity aims to optimize TPS 3R processing in Jogoroto Village so that it becomes a waste bank that can improve the community's economy. This community service activity was carried out intensively for 1 month in February 2023 with a schedule agreed between the writing team and the fostered partners. From the results of intensive activities that have been carried out, satisfactory results were obtained. Foster partners are able to develop their own social media platforms, as well as serve as the parent of a waste bank which will increase the community's income. From the results of the community service activities that have been carried out, it is hoped that this program can be continued by the local village government so that the fostered partners will develop further.

Keywords: bumdes, TPS 3R, Waste bank, Jogoroto

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