The motivation of this research is the research of the authors (Herman and Georgescu, 2012; Dwiningwarni, 2016). The problems are: 1) Former TKW are mostly unemployed, 2) Former TKW mostly do not have independent businesses. The specific purpose of the research is to produce a policy recommendation on the empowerment of former TKW. The data collection method uses PAR and FGD. The method of analysis uses descriptive qualitative. The results showed that: 1) There is no of data on the of former TKW at the district, sub-district and village levels, 2) 80% of respondents were productive (30 - 50 years), had never received training from the district government, used their work to improve their homes, buy cattle, rice fields and motorized vehicles, do not have an independent business, have no fixed income; 3) Providing training and capital can increase income and reduce poverty; 4) There is a great need for policies that touch and siding with former TKW.References
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