Pelatihan Peningkatan Kapasitas Wirausaha Keripik Singkong Di Desa Sumberjo
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How to Cite

Widy T Sandy, & Ikhsal N Setiawan. (2023). Pelatihan Peningkatan Kapasitas Wirausaha Keripik Singkong Di Desa Sumberjo. SNEB : Seminar Nasional Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Dewantara, 5(1), 27-32.


Sumberjo village is well-known as a cassava producer in the Wonosalam sub-district but it is still not optimally processed. This community service activity aims to optimize cassava management in Sumberjo Village so that it becomes a product that has economic value. This community service activity was carried out intensively for 1 month in February 2023 with a schedule agreed community service between the writing team and the fostered partners. From the results of the intensive activities carried out, satisfactory results were obtained, the fostered partners were able to increase sales turnover. Partners also have their own logo and have social media to improve product branding and add flavor variants of processed cassava chips. From the results of the community service activities that have been carried out, it is hoped that this program can be continued by the local village government so that the fostered partners will develop further.

Keywords: Cassava Chip Entrepreneur, Sumberjo Village
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