This study aims to analyze the implementation of the principles of Good Governance in Islamic boarding schools Hamalatul Qur’an Jombang. This research is descriptive qualitative research using a case study approach. In the process of data collection, the researcher used interview, observation, and documentation methods. Analysis of the data used was the Milles and Huberman model and used Champion percentage method assessment. Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that the implementation of the principles of Good Governance at the Hamalatul Qur’an Islamic boarding school in Jombang has been well implemented. This can be seen from the percentage result in the principle of transparency is 81% good criteria, accountability principle is 82% good criteria, and responsibility is 100% good criteria. But there is a need for an increase in the principle of independency which resulted in 58% of the criteria being sufficient and fairness or equality of 74% of the criteria being sufficient.
Keywords: Good Governance, Islamic Boarding School, Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independency, Fairness.
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