Journal Of Community Journal Systems<p>Comvice: Journal of Community Service merupakan kumpulan artikel tentang kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di bidang pemberdayaan ekonomi. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dalam rangka berperan serta dan memberikan sumbangan pemikiran dan laporan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat sekaligus sebagai wahana memyebarluaskan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di bidang pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat.</p> PEMASARAN DIGITAL KELOMPOK GSH_MOROSUNGGINGAN GUNA PENINGKATAN EKONOMI KELUARGA2025-01-06T10:35:30+07:00Rofiah Chusnulchusnulstiepgridewantara@gmail.comAstutik Mardichusnulstiepgridewantara@gmail.comAirlangga Primaadi<p><em>Morosunggingan Village in Jombang Regency faces socio-economic problems in the form of poverty and high rates of stunting and malnutrition in pregnant women and children. The Srikandi Women's Group, as a fostered partner, tries to overcome these problems through hydroponic businesses but faces obstacles in terms of business management and marketing. The Community Service Program funded by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in 2024, was implemented by a team of lecturers from STIE PGRI Dewantara and Wahab Hasbullah University from August to October 2024. The solutions offered include financial management training, digital marketing through social media, and the implementation of a digital application-based financial recording system. This activity has succeeded in increasing managerial capacity, expanding marketing reach, and supporting nutrition programs for stunted children and pregnant women. The impact of this program can be seen in the increase in group income and the decrease in stunting rates in the village. The follow-up plan includes ongoing assistance in product diversification and strengthening digital marketing to ensure the sustainability of the fostered partner's business.</em></p>2025-01-06T10:26:23+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rofiah Chusnul, Astutik Mardi, Airlangga Primaadi PEREKONOMIAN MASYARAKAT DI DESA PANDANBLOLE MELALUI PEMBERDAYAAN KESEJAHTERAAN KELUARGA2025-01-07T13:00:08+07:00Astutik Mardi mardiastutisemm.stiedewantara@gmail.comArdiantoro Rafka<p><em>The potential of rural communities is natural resources through agriculture. This potential can be optimized by improving village human resources, especially in terms of how to process agricultural products so that they can be marketed effectively. However, this cannot be done alone. It requires assistance from various parties, one of which is from STIE PGRI Dewantara Jombang, one of the leading campuses in the city of Jombang. The Community Service activity carried out by the author's team focused on increasing the marketing reach of the fried onion business of Family Welfare Programme members of Pandanblole Village, Ploso, Jombang. This activity was carried out intensively for approximately one month, namely March 2024, assisted by students. The results of the activities were positive, including improving the appearance of fried onion product packaging and increasing turnover and marketing reach of Fried Onions in Pandanblole Village. </em></p>2025-01-07T12:50:35+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Astutik Mardi PLATFORM KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT DAN E-COMMERCE UNTUK PEMBERDAYAAN DESA2025-01-13T11:39:56+07:00Handiwibowo Gogor Arif Gita Widi Edwin Fadila Dominggo Perdana<p><em>The Association of Village Integrator Lecturers (ADIDES) was formed in response to the strong desire of academics (lecturers) to increase village capacity in serving their communities. The development of a digital platform in the form of the ADIDES website ( aims to increase academic collaboration and village economic empowerment through knowledge management and e-commerce. The background to this activity is the limited access of villages to intellectual resources, most of which are owned by universities. This community Service activity was carried out intensively both online and offline in the first half of 2024. The fostered partners involved were ADIDES member-fostered villages in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. The results of the implementation of the activity showed that the ADIDES website succeeded in facilitating the storage and sharing of knowledge, strengthening academic collaboration, and supporting the marketing of village products through e-commerce features. The level of participation and user satisfaction showed the effectiveness of this platform in supporting community service activities. This shows that the ADIDES website is able to increase connectivity between the academic world and villages, although there are still challenges, such as limited internet access in some villages. </em></p>2025-01-13T11:33:55+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Handiwibowo Gogor Arif , Bhawika Gita Widi , Setiawan Edwin , Nadlifatin Reni, Isnaisi Fadila , Baskara Dominggo Bayu, Putra Perdana Suteja EDUKASI MANAJEMEN SEHAT ALA SANTRI MELALUI PENERAPAN PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT (PHBS)2025-02-14T11:48:16+07:00Makiah Mohammad Ziad<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Islamic boarding schools as educational institutions that focus on religion, have a very large share in educating the lives of the nation's children. Most boarding schools to date still have classic problems related to sanitation, hygiene. The cleanliness and health of students in boarding schools are still not prioritized, causing skin diseases that are easily transmitted to students. In supporting the lives of students in boarding schools, it is important for students to maintain the cleanliness of the pesantren environment and maintain personal hygiene, namely by implementing Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS). Providing education through the delivery of healthy management materials in the style of santri through the application of PHBS begins with the preparation, implementation and evaluation stages. This activity involved 100 santriwan and santriwati SMP-IT Pondok Pesantren Asshohwah Al-Islamiyah, Gerung, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Delivery of material through counseling, mentoring, and guidance to students on how to maintain cleanliness and health through PHBS. The evaluation stage is carried out by assessing the students' understanding of the material that has been delivered. This service activity is not enough to provide education, but there needs to be a follow-up observation and monitoring of the implementation of school PHBS so that students really maintain cleanliness and health, thus obtaining healthy students for a strong Indonesia, from students for the country.</p> <p> </p>2025-01-20T16:22:04+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Makiah Makiah, Anwar Mohammad Ziad MARKETING TO OPTIMIZE THE ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF PURISEMANDING VILLAGE2025-02-14T11:54:56+07:00Oktavia Nanda Agvi widy.taurus@gmail.comSandy Widy<p><em>Service is important for the STIE PGRI DEWANTARA academic community to understand rural conditions and their relationship to curriculum planning to find out the support and problems that exist in the community. This program will run for approximately one month in February 2023. The expected results include the formation of strong individuals who care when serving the community. The lack of knowledge about digital marketing poses challenges for the development and marketing of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Purisemanding village. The process includes coordination with village officials, interviews with MSME stakeholders, preparing materials based on the needs of MSMEs in Purisemanding village, and holding digital marketing outreach events. Implementation of the digital marketing outreach program is one type of community development carried out by the group in Purisemanding village. This program aims to increase knowledge about the importance of digital marketing for MSMEs to increase sales and business development. The activity stages include collecting data on MSME information, outreach targets to village officials, the community and MSME stakeholders, as well as implementing programs in collaboration with the community service team.</em></p>2025-02-14T11:44:06+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Oktavia Nanda Agvi , Sandy Widy Taurus